About Kizmet

About the Artist Kizmet:

Beyond photography, Kizmet is a singer, dancer, publisher, author, gardener, nature lover, and navel gazer, not necessarily in that order.

About the Images:

Most of the images are macro photos flower petals. Many purposely look more like paintings than photographs.

Petals have distinctly beautiful ways in which they refract, reflect, and absorb light. It’s a big part of why we find flowers so captivating and lovely.

Petals from flowers such as bearded iris, poppies, and others are iridescent and sparkle even in a state of partial decay. When viewed in macro, these petals evoke pointillism.

Stocks, violas, and other petals refract and absorb light in a way that creates a shimmery, opalescent quality.

Other petals, such as from roses, which are more deeply textured, absorb and reflect light in a way that creates slightly muddled patterns, echoing impressionism.

Cosmos petals and many others are slightly pleated, which create interesting striations of color, with deeper shadows and more prominent highlights.

Rhododendron (the Queen who rules all) petals absorb and refract light very evenly, imparting a milky, or watercolor effect to the macro image.

Dahlias and nasturtium petals tend to be highly reflective, while petals from zinnia and clematis readily absorb light resulting in a matte finish.

All of these petals qualities offer unique, beautiful, and sometimes surprising results when viewed in macro.

Abstract Images

The abstract photos utilize the colors, shapes, and forms of petals and other natural materials free from the original source identification, showcasing the beauty of the natural world that is often overlooked or taken for granted.

Figurative Images

Beautiful photos of beautiful flowers, mostly.